Phadera Flash
Phadera’s cool, calm and collected personality, is what makes her distinctive.
A lovely woman filled with the Holy spirit, with a continious determination to walk by faith.
She is a professional Estate Agent, partnering with one of UK’s biggest Estate organisation. she is also an event planner.
A lovely mother of four adorable kids, Celeste, Jesse, Amie , & Cyrus.

Catherine Dohou
Liaison Officer
Catherine’s pleasant, meek and supportive personality is what makes her exceptional.
A great woman of wisdom, with a deep burden to reach the community for Christ.
She is a professional lifelong learning coordinator, Sunday school teacher, CEO of her own company, involved in charity work, alongside with good administrative skills.
Happily married to Nicaise, blessed with two Wonderful sons Emmanuel & Mathias

Sophia Obang-Mireku
Sophia’s energetic, optimistic and confident personality is what makes her amazing.
A wonderful enterprising woman, filled with God’s love, with a dedication for the gospel.
She is an international Business woman, trading between United Kingdom and West Africa. She also does charity work in west African reaching out to the poor and the needy.
Blissfully married to George, blessed with five Delightful kids, Georgia, Seima, Sarita, Lyn and George jnr.